Friday, May 24, 2013

A Man Cave Sports Report:Could Dwight Howard Save The Sixers?

To Say That The Kobe/Dwight Experiment was a “FAIL” is like saying The Titanic was a “boating incident.” So while The Lakers are saying “Howard will return” the drama/side show that is the Howard Show is already starting with reports that Howard will again go shopping for another team. It’s a safe bet that Howard could improve the Sixers and get them to the play offs. Here are 5 questions that are not so crystal clear, but should be discussed if Dwight Howard were to come to Philly.

5. Would the Sixers get past the first round? Dwight could not by himself get The Lakers past the first round. And even with Kobe and Steve Nash the team placed no higher than 8th in the west. To his defense no one else has been able to slow down San Antonio yet.

4. Can He Get Some Help? Again with all the pieces LA has they struggled to make the play offs. Who, already in Sixer Blue can help Dwight?
After paying Dwight more money than the budget of The Philadelphia Public School System will there be money for any one else on the team except Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon and Tito?

3.Haven’t We Learned Our Bynum Lesson? Only the psychiatric team at Jefferson should really be interested seeing Howard after a year of Bynum and his hair.

2. Is Dwight Howard Healthy? Howard’s lack of passion and success was blamed on his injury. Will Dwight Howard ever be Moses Malone or are we looking at Clem Johnson at best?

1.Who Will Coach Dwight? Dwight could not get along with Stan Van Gundy one of the best coaches of the last few years. So where are you going to find another coach willing to be thrown under the bus for an 82 game season?


Tune Into The Voice Of Philadelphia On Monday’s as we try to find the answers to these and other Sixers Soap Opera related questions.

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