Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Invite: The African American Museum Invites You To RAAMP It Up Wednesday

Join us for an evening of extended gallery hours and live music with your friends, family and colleagues!
Explore the museum for FREE from 5-8pm
Live music begins at 6:30pm
Tonight we feature the jazzy, brassy, funky fun of the Camden-based Unity Community Center Royal Brass Band!
Light Refreshments Available for Purchase.

701 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

For Your Inspiration: I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY


Let me start by saying...anyone other than yourself, that claims they have to keys to your happiness is either lying or doesn't know much.

One reason I have avoided writing an inspirational column and don't motivational speaking is because people are different.
The Broken Clock Theory...
Say No To Cookie Cutter Theory
Even a clock that we find in the junk yard and had not run at all in years...keeps correct time twice a day.

I say that because I believe even the best motivational speakers...cannot motivate everyone. For is not the biggest motivating factor in my life...there are many people that can be blessed from what I write. However, if your goal in life IS to have a PLATINUM HOME AND CAR? I may not be the speaker you are looking for...and there's nothing wrong with that. We are two people motivated by different goals.

So define what your goals are, what your roads to happiness looks like, and don't fall for people that have cookie cutter manuals to your happiness.

Let's Talk Depression
Let's look at depression a little bit before we get into this "choosing to be happy" thing.

  • Every suffers from depression at some point in their lives. Not reaching goals.Having something or someone you care about snatched away from you. Or having something happen that embarrasses you. Can cause even the most ardent "inspirational writer" to want to stay in bed and play sad songs. Depression can be natural.
  • Prolonged periods of depression can be dangerous. If you or close family and friends notice that it is taking a longer time than normal to get back to yourself? You want to consider getting some kind of help. Help may mean a minister, a vacation, or sometimes a doctor. Again stay away from the cookie cutter syndrome, don't feed into other people's judgement of your condition but do get help. Nothing I write here is a substitute for medical care when needed.
 5 Things That Make Me Happy

Admittedly, I consider myself a generally happy person. When I am not feeling particularly "sunny and bright" I pick 5 things that really bring me joy. You may know this technique as "Counting your blessings."
Everyone must figure out their five things and why they bring them joy.
Here are mine.
  • My family. Especially my niece. Even as I still grieve the loss of my father. I celebrate the special life my niece is in my world.
  • Playing Basket Ball. We all cannot be NBA MVP's. However, I recognize that I am blessed to be able to run and jump. There are a lot of people that would pay a lot of money just to be able to walk and run and get around with out assistance for an hour or two. I celebrate the fact that I can do all these marvelous things with this body.
  • Music...I do not have the words to tell you how I feel when I hear Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Marsha Ambrosious, Aretha Franklin and so many other wonderful sounds that have defined my life.
  • I CREATE...I celebrate the talent that I have for writing stories, poetry and visual art. There is no logical reason to create art other than it fulfills so much of my non physical person. However, knowing that my art has brought other people happiness is delightful.
  • I enjoy whatever happy experience I can bring to pass. It may be hopping a bus to Philly or walking on the boardwalk or calling a good friend or eating something that makes my tongue dance. This works whenever I really need a distraction.
I could write more but I may have written more than you are willing to read already.
So in closing let me leave you with just a few more tips that can help in choosing to be happy.
  • Define YOUR Own Happiness and do not be disappointed that what makes YOU happy is not the same thing that makes your friends or family happy.
  • Don't Fight Happiness. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY TODAY! Do not deny your right to be happy because of mistakes you made, other people's sadness or their judgement, your lack of finances, or the way you look. Despite, any negative things or things you believe are negative you still have the right to enjoy the moment you are in.
  • Accomplish Something. Pick a goal and do it. Paint a fence, help someone, bake a cake, take up a second language. Do something that will help you say..."I am WOW."
  • Be around happy people...unless happy people make you sad. Most people have a hard time NOT having a good time when others around them are having fun. 
  • Take a Break From What Brings You Down. If possible do not wallow in a situation that is damaging your spirit. Go somewhere and get some fresher air.

That's all the Inspiration I Have Right Now.
Happiness To US ALL!

As always let me know if this helps?
Let me know if you feel I am way off base?
Share with us what makes YOU Happy.

$20 Admission includes light refreshments, vodka and wine samples and live entertainment and open mike.




Thursday, June 20, 2013

DICE RAW Headlines a Free Concert Tonight!

Today, Thursday, June 20, is the kick-off for the Delaware River Waterfront’s new, FREE music series, Third Thursdays Live and Local (TTLL). The series was developed in collaboration with a team of Philly artists, producers and promoters, with the idea of highlighting the talented musicians that we have here within our city. Each concert has been coordinated and developed by the TTLL committee, with a focus on different genres of music for each performance. 

The concerts will feature established headliners, but will also serve as a stage for more up and coming artists. Bringing these concerts to the Race Street Pier will give Philadelphians the opportunity to explore one of the city’s finest parks, and one of few that allows concert goers a chance to sit out on the Delaware.

The first show will feature:

Jade Alston

Dice Raw
Jade Alston
And DJ Benz

When: Thursday June 20, 6-9PM
Where: Race Street Pier – Columbus Blvd at Race Street

Editors Note: This Monday June 24th a spokesperson for The Delaware River Water Front will be a special guest on
The Voice Of Philadelphia at 8pm on AM 1360 WNJC.



Also sponsored by Ch@t Vodka



Invitation From POETRY MOMMA

Editors Note:  Gale Simon-Bierenbaum has few peers as an spokesperson
for poetry and spoken word in The South Jersey/Philly region.
She started off as a supportive parent for her own son and wound up adopting and being
adopted as Poetry Momma for several of the area's top performers.
She is a friend to all of us here and to the arts in general.

Hello. I'm personally inviting you to attend &participate in the premier of "Go with the Flow" poetry series @ Barrington Coffee House, 131 Clements Bridge Rd, Barrington, NJ this coming Sunday eve, June 23.
Doors open @5 for dinner, seating. First set begins @7pm. Cover: $5 for audience, free for participating poets.
Please phone organizer Sue Meade @615-474-8586 to be placed on poet roster.
Go to for further info.
Sue--a spoken word artist--has recently returned to South Jersey after 20 years of sharing her poetry around the country. She's looking fwd to meeting, hearing & promoting kindred poetic artists.
I hope you'll be able to come out and support this: energetic poet's vision for a new New Jersey venue for poets 18 years of age & up.
Thanks in advance for contacting Sue & coming out for the first monthly "Go with the Flow!"
Gale S-B/Poetry Momma


June 22nd Come Out and See a great show.
Or be a part of a great show to benefit
children and families in the South Jersey Region.


June 29th Join The Grown and Successful People
at Rock and Soul Saturday.

Also sponsored by CH@T Vodka




Monday, June 17, 2013

We Feed The Homeless Philly's Annual Black Tie Affair at The Crystal Tea Room

                     FOR FOOD AND SHELTER

Join WFTHP (We Feed the Homeless Philly) at the Crystal Tea Room of the Wanamaker Building for our BLACK TIE FUNDRAISER on Sunday September 29, 2013 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm.

 The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Performing will be Kindred the Family Soul, and DJ Jazzy Joe along with an exquisite complimentary buffet, dessert and cash bar.

Tickets are $$65 and can be purchased online at and $75 at the door. Please call 215-764-5688 for physical tickets.

Sponsorship packages and vendor opportunities are available by calling 215 764-5688.

All monies that will be raised for this fundraiser gets us a step closer to getting a building to support the homeless community by providing food and workshops/class on life skills, computer skills, and reading/math skills. 




Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cherry Hill Classic Cars Celebrates The New Jaguar

The New Jaguar F-Type is here and worthy of a party.
 Cherry Hill Classic Cars Jaguar is celebrating like this... 
No Hassle No obligation test drives from 12 - 3 and an all out soiree from 4 - 8 at the dealership. 
Complimentary Food, Wine, and Champagne provided by 
Cherry Hill's own gem Caffe Lamberti.
 This Wednesday June 19th the night will be full of fun, networking, and a celebration of this new automotive icon of success and style.

Cherry Hill Classic Cars
2000 Rt. 70
Cherry Hill, NJ
(877) 438-8072




Today at 4pm the youth poets from PYPM, NYC, Baltimore, DC, Richmond, & Hampton Roads (VA) competing in a friendly bout to build rapport and prepare for the 2013 Brave New Voices Festival in Chicago this August. It all goes down at The Rotunda, home of the monthly PYPM Youth Night, 4014 Walnut Street, on the campus of University of Pennsylvania.

For all PYPM Workshop Attendees, there will be a cookout in CLARK PARK at Noon to welcome our out of town guests.

Tickets can be purchased at the door: $7 youth, $10 adults.

Team Philly Performing  "GOOD MUSIC" from Brave New Voices 2011

